Sad News: Tennis World Mourn ‘King Richard’ Serena Williams Dad aged 82, was Diagnosed of Neurological disorder, it is with a heavy heart we shared the Sad News about “King Richard” Serena Williams Dad, as he has been confirmed to be… see more


Lakeisha Williams, Richard’s current wife confirmed that he did have stroke and was released from the hospital last week. Shockingly, the medical crisis unfolded BEFORE Serena’s Wimbledon victory, but she managed to keep the secret from fans.Although he is able to get around, Lakeisha said that the battle for a full recovery is far from over.

“He needs speech therapy, psychological therapy and physical therapy but for now he refused,” she said. “I’m trying to get him under control and relaxed so that when we come back from out of town we could try to get that going. But he doesn’t wish to be bothered with anybody.”

“His mind is thinking that they’re going to put him back in ‘prison’ – which is what he calls the hospital,” she said. “He thinks we are just going to take him back to the hospital, but that is not correct.”


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