A movie called “100 years” was filmed in 2015 but won’t release until the year 2115. Facts

A movie called

oftentimes give pause to moviegoers. It might mean that the filmmakers have chosen to sacrifice quality in favor of attempting to revolutionize the format.


A movie called "100  years" was filmed in 2015 but won't release until the year 2115. Facts


Alternatively, the plot could be excessively convoluted, as the creatives behind the project are willing to overlook a coherent story to achieve their eccentric vision.



However, other film fans get excited when they hear that a non-traditional movie is being attempted. The coming-of-age drama Boyhood, which was filmed over 12 years by Richard Linklater, comes to mind. Modern media has become increasingly formulaic, so experimental films can serve to throw a wrench in the system.



Whether you’re a fan of this type of film or find it overly indulgent, there is one experimental picture that shouldn’t be the cause of either concern or excitement.


In all certainty, when it comes out, you won’t even be around to see it.


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