AJ McLean Reveals Taylor Swift Remembered His Daughter’s Name: ‘Catapulted Her into the Stratosphere for Me’


experiencing what Swift is going through to a degree, to which McLean replied, “It’s a moment, and it’s something that you need to embrace,” adding that “as long as you’re in the headspace that she’s in, you can really embrace it, and really appreciate it.””She is, by far, in my opinion, one of the most grounded, humble performers ever,” McLean continued of Swift.

“It’s like, ‘OK, something’s gotta be off about you. There’s gotta be like a dark side.’ And there isn’t. She’s just… she’s met my oldest three times,” he said. “And the last time she met her, she remembered her name, which that, as a dad alone, catapulted her into the stratosphere for me.”


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