Breaking News: Paul McCartney ‘Could Only Aspire’ to Be as ‘Cool’ as John Lennon, Said Cynthia Lennon…see more

Breaking News: Paul McCartney ‘Could Only Aspire’ to Be as ‘Cool’ as John Lennon, Said Cynthia Lennon...see more

In a new podcast, McCartney, 81, deconstructs some of rock band’s most iconic songs – including “Let It Be“ and “Eleanor Rigby” in profound conversations with Paul Muldoon, the Pulitzer-winning Irish poet.


Breaking News: Paul McCartney ‘Could Only Aspire’ to Be as ‘Cool’ as John Lennon, Said Cynthia Lennon...see more


In a recent episode, McCartney tells Muldoon how Lennon, who was assassinated when he was 40, still shapes his work, explaining he’ll change anything the music icon would have deemed “too soppy”.


He also says songwriting was a “much easier” job, working alongside Lennon, because “there were two minds at work”.


McCartney continues: ”That interplay was miraculous. You don’t have this opposing element so much [now]. I have to do that myself.”


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