her British Summer Time Hyde Park concert in London on Friday, July 12. The “As It Was” singer looked posh in a black suit and mint-green collared shirt that matched Nicks, who wore a black flowy number.“I asked Harry to do this, and it’s always heavy to ask someone to come and sing the song with you when you’re singing about your best friend that died so suddenly and so sadly,” Nicks said in video footage posted on social media. “What I want you to know is that Christine was Harry’s girl, she was my girl, she was your girl. She was from here. And she loved all of us. And today was her birthday.”Onstage in London, the “Dreams” singer admitted, “It’s taken me all this time to be able to even try and deal with this situation.”
Breaking: After the arrival of their third child, Golden Raye Mahomes, Patrick Mahomes is...
One photo showed Swift during a fun night out, while another snap featured her lounging in a bathing suit. Jeslyn Gorman, one of Taylor...
JUST IN PHOTOS…This is lovely!! She’s Golden and Adorable Raye Mahomes!! Be the first...
The wife of the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, revealed in an Instagram post that she gave birth to their daughter, Golden Raye...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Finalize Divorce After Two Years of Marriage
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have finalized their divorce, according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.
Lopez, 55, first filed to divorce Affleck, 52, in...
BREAKING: Jeff Baena, Aubrey Plaza, and the Grief of Unexpected Loss ..Find details
Jeff Baena, the director and screenwriter married to Aubrey Plaza, tragically passed away by suicide last week at the age of 47, leaving his...
Beyoncé and Blue Ivy Shine with NAACP Image Awards Nominations on Blue’s 13th Birthday
Beyoncé and her daughter Blue Ivy are celebrating Blue's 13th birthday with some exciting news! Both of them received nominations for the 56th NAACP...
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Oprah Winfrey, the media mogul and beloved cultural icon, has sparked a firestorm of speculation with her recent, unexpected moves.
In the last few days,...
James Van Der Beek, 47, reveals in a emotional interview that he has been...
James Van Der Beek has colorectal cancer, PEOPLE can confirm.
“I have colorectal cancer. I’ve been privately dealing with this diagnosis and have been taking...
Michael Jordan Responds Angrily After Fake Donald Trump ‘Endorsement’ Goes Viral Following Trump’s Election...
Michael Jordan’s representatives have strenuously denied that the NBA legend has endorsed Donald Trump ahead of this week’s presidential election.
On the eve of the...
Jason Kelce breaks silence on Travis and Taylor Swift phone smash after police launch...
Jason Kelce is being investigated by police for smashing a fan’s phone on Saturday – with the NFL hero breaking his silence on the...
Sofia Vergara defines her relationship with new boyfriend Justin Saliman in a strange way:...
Sofia Vergara has not yet dared to admit that she has something special with Dr. Justin Saliman, with whom she has been romantically linked...
NFL Update: Patrick Mahomes Mourns the loss of another Chiefs Team Mate after tough...
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes voiced his frustration and disappointment following the injury of another key teammate during the recent game.
This latest setback...
“Confirmed: Game over for the Chiefs. The NFL has officially suspended the Kansas City...
In a shocking turn of events, the NFL has officially suspended the Kansas City Chiefs, marking a significant moment in the league’s history.
The decision...