Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, recently shared a touching moment with her followers, providing a glimpse into her family life with a heartwarming message from her 2-year-old daughter… Lilibet beautiful request moved Meghan to tears


Seeing double? No, Meghan Markle doesn’t have a secret twin sister we never knew about, but she does have a doppelganger who bears a crazy resemblance to the royal.

Mum-of-two Akeisha Land, from Missouri, USA, has had people telling her that she looks just like the duchess for years, but things went to the next level when she started sharing photos online.

After making an Instagram account for her daughter, Greyson, and sharing several photos with her, royal fans started pointing out the crazy similarities between her and Meghan.Land admitted that she gets compared to the duchess in real life as well as online, with strangers stopping her at the grocery store to comment on the resemblance.

“I’ll have random people coming up and saying, ‘has anyone ever told you that you look like…’ I always giggle before they even finish saying who because I know exactly who they’re going to say because I’ve heard it so much,”


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