Princess Diana Detailed Her Honeymoon With King Charles in a Touching Personal Letter


In a 1981 correspondence with her family’s former housekeeper, Maud Pendrey, a 20-year-old Diana reflected on her honeymoon with a then-Prince Charles after she returned to Balmoral from the two-week cruise aboard the royal yacht Britannia. Despite later speaking about the turmoil the couple was facing during their romantic getaway, in the letter, Diana called the trip a “tremendous success” and a “glorious time” “I do hope you weren’t too tired after all the wedding activities, and that you were able to see a lot from where your seats were,” she wrote. “The honeymoon was a tremendous success, and we had a glorious time catching up on our lost energy and sleep. I just wanted you both to know how deeply touched I am by your thoughtfulness and, again, a million thanks. Endless love and affection—Diana.”


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